One of the things that I want to do with the Feldencast is go through all 550 of the AY lessons of Moshe Feldenkrais. That’s partly a personal inquiry because I want to understand more about his compositional approach to making movement lessons.
It raises the question, what is a movement lesson? What makes a Feldenkrais lesson a lesson? I’m not sure. Basically, I think it has to be structured so you learn something interesting. And it can’t just be a movement exploration or an exercise.
In the last episode, episode 17, when I wanted to present something a shorter, I ended up composing my own lesson, and making it up was fun! Then I sent that lesson to a Feldenkrais trainer to find out, Does this count? I haven't heard back from him yet, so I guess the jury's still out on whether that particular authority figure will think it's a lesson.
But I really enjoyed the process, and I think it stands up. Please let me know if you disagree or have any constructive criticism.
Episode 19 will be back to the AY lessons. For now, I hope you enjoy this one.
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