This is the last episode of the first season, and so we're going to do something a little bit different. This one's called Sounding Better and Better, and it's just a little bit different. It's not that different.
It's actually based on AY5, so it's part of the first reel, just like all these other lessons. But it is different in that you're going to be doing some sound production. You'll be using your voice. So if you want privacy, you know, maybe some people want privacy when they're speaking as part of a curious exercise. Or even if you don't care, just set yourself up in a place where you can make some sound.
What does it mean that this is the end of the first season? There are ten lessons in the first reel and this is my take, my reordering, my restructuring of those ten lessons.
And then I'm going to go on to the second reel to make season two.
But I'm not yet sure exactly like how I'm going to release it or when I'm going to release it. It might take me a while to make some of these recordings. And I'd love to incorporate any feedback that any listeners have about how this project is going.
So if you are hearing this and you'd like to share anything about your experience, I'd really love to hear it. You can write me here through email or Substack.
I hope you've enjoyed this first season. I've really enjoyed making it, and I'm so grateful you are listening.
Happy season finale.
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